The Lonsdale Neighborhood
Lonsdale is an urban neighborhood in North Knoxville, Tennessee. Today it is primarily comprised of Guatemalan immigrants, African Americans, and African refugees. Though it has a deep history of racism and segregation, the neighborhood has become more unified by community efforts such as gardening, Lonsdale Homecoming, the Haslam-Sansom Complex, the renaming of Gloria Garner Street, and Light Up Lonsdale.
For more information about Lonsdale or ways to be involved in the neighborhood as a whole, check out our initiative, We Love Lonsdale .
Please contact us to register a student: (865)544-5881

Thrive Lonsdale
Elementary Program
Main Campus
1317 Connecticut Avenue
Main campus is Thrive’s original program site. This program serves K - 5th graders who attend Lonsdale Elementary School. They meet in our building at 1317 Connecticut Avenue.
Please contact Katie Henze with any questions about registration.
Email: katiehenze@helpusthrive.com || (865) 276-6885
Thrive Upper
Middle School
1317 Connecticut Avenue
Thrive Middle School serves 6th-8th grade students living in the Lonsdale neighborhood. The MS program is highly relational, with interns, full-time staff, and community leaders building connections with students. Our Lonsdale MS program meets in the upstairs area of Lonsdale Baptist Church, adjacent to the Main Campus building.
High School
1333 Connecticut Avenue
Thrive High School is located in Lonsdale and serves students from Fulton, Central, and West high schools. The “High School House” is two lots down from Main Campus. Students are enrolled in one of two tracts— “vocational” or “college prep” and attend 3 days per week. Like our MS program, Thrive HS is highly relational with trusted adults investing in students all throughout the week.